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The Taste of Innocence by Stephanie Laurens
    The Taste of Innocence. When New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens created the world of the Cynsters, she introduced readers to the glittering ranks of aristocratic British society, where arranged marriages are the norm for securing dynasties, where passion is an art practiced by sophisticated lovers and high-born mistresses, and ...

The Taste of Innocence (Cynster Novels, 14): Laurens
    Audio CD. $36.39 2 New from $36.39. For no gentleman is this more true than Charles Morwellan, the eighth Earl of Meredith. Although he's seen the many successful unions of his Cynster connections, he has also watched his father's obsessions nearly destroy their family and fortune, a mistake Charles will not repeat.

The Taste of Innocence (Cynster, #14) by Stephanie …
    The Taste of Innocence - Laurens Audio performance by Simon Prebble 2 stars Immediately forgettable romance from Laurens’ Cynster series. I’m offended …

The Taste of Innocence – HarperCollins
    Sarah battles to prove that true love is a force that can't be contained, a gift worth fighting for, but it's only when she's engulfed in a web of increasingly dangerous incidents that Charles discovers how much he's willing to surrender to protect . . . the taste of innocence. Product Details. ISBN: 9780060840877. ISBN 10: 0060840870.

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