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Contact Fingerhut Customer Service
    Customer Service - Fingerhut FettiCredit Accounts. 1-800-964-1975. 7:00am - 10:00pm Central Time, 7 days a week.

Fingerhut Address, Contact Number of Fingerhut
    Address of Fingerhut The address of Fingerhut is 4400 Baker Road, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343, United States. Contact Number of Fingerhut The contact number of Fingerhut is +1 (952) 932-3100, Fax: (952) 932-3292. Email Address of Fingerhut The email address of Fingerhut is . Website of Fingerhut The Website of Fingerhut is

    Fingerhut Credit Accounts are issued by WebBank, Member FDIC. * Advertised Price Per Month: The advertised price per month is the estimated monthly payment required to be made on your WebBank/Fingerhut Fetti Credit Account for a single item order, or if at any time your account has multiple items on it, then please see the payment chart for payment terms.

    The address for Fingerhut Fetti payments is: Fingerhut. PO Box 70792. Philadelphia, PA 19176-0792. To make payments on your Fingerhut Advantage credit account, you can continue to use your current payee – just make sure your Fingerhut Advantage credit account number is included.

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