Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Nazi-Hauptquartier Berchtesgaden? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.

Traces of Evil: Remaining Nazi sites around Berchtesgaden
    Strub. Originally the Adolf Hitler Kaserne, the Jägerkaserne is a barracks of the Bundeswehr in built in September 1937 according to the plans of Munich architect Bruno Biehler. It was described at the time as "the most beautiful barracks in the most beautiful part of the Reich"once the necessary land for the barracks area was expropriated.

Berchtesgaden Chancellery Branch office - Wikipedia
    The Berchtesgaden Chancellery Branch office (also "Little Reich Chancellery") in Bischofswiesener district Stanggaß was built between 1937 and 1945 after plans by Alois Degano as the second seat of government of the Nazi German Empire for the time of Adolf Hitler's presence on nearby Obersalzberg.. The buildings of the Reich Chancellery and the bunkers and …

Führer Headquarters - Wikipedia
    The Führer Headquarters (German: Führerhauptquartiere), abbreviated FHQ, were a number of official headquarters used by the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and various other German commanders and officials throughout Europe during the Second World War. The last one used, the Führerbunker in Berlin, where Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945, is the most widely …

Hitler's eyrie: a visit to Berchtesgaden - archive 1970
    Postcards of Berchtesgaden during the Nazi era, 9 February 1970. Photograph: Frank Martin/The Guardian. Above all there is the Zum Turken Hotel, which sits above the entrance to Hitler’s ...

Drittes Reich: Obersalzberg - Nationalsozialismus - Planet Wissen
    Der Obersalzberg wird plötzlich Wallfahrtsort für begeisterte Hitler-Pilger aus dem ganzen Reich. Der Hitler-Personenkult nimmt groteske und kultische Formen an. In Sonderzügen werden Hitler-Touristen nach Berchtesgaden gebracht; die Wallfahrer nehmen stundenlange Wartezeiten in Kauf, um Hitler zu sehen. In Sprechchören rufen sie rhythmisch ...

Berchtesgaden - Wikipedia
    Berchtesgaden (German pronunciation: [ˈbɛʁçtəsˌɡaːdn̩]) is a municipality in the district Berchtesgadener Land, Bavaria, in southeastern Germany, near the border with Austria, 30 km (19 mi) south of Salzburg and 180 km (110 mi) southeast of Munich.It lies in the Berchtesgaden Alps, south of Berchtesgaden; the Berchtesgaden National Park stretches along three parallel valleys.

Berchtesgaden - Obersalzberg, Adelaarsnest en Berghof - Historiek
    De nazi’s richten de Obersalzberg en Berchtesgaden in. Vanaf 1928 huurde Hitler op de Obersalzberg het “Haus Wachenfeld”. In 1933 kocht hij dit huis, waarna de woning werd omgebouwd en in 1936 voltooid werd als “de Berghof”. Toen Hitler in januari 1933 de macht greep, werd de Obersalzberg tot “Führersperrgebiet” verklaard en ...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia
    Nazi Germany, officially known as the German Reich from 1933 until 1943, and the Greater German Reich from 1943 to 1945, was the German state between 1933 and 1945, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party controlled the country, transforming it into a dictatorship.Under Hitler's rule, Germany quickly became a totalitarian state where nearly all aspects of life were …

The German War Graves of Berchtesgaden - Atlas Obscura
    139. The German War Graves of Berchtesgaden Luke J Spencer (Atlas Obscura User) All over Western Europe are countless cemeteries and monuments for those who died in the two World Wars. In Flanders ...

Hitler's Berchtesgaden: A Guide to Third Reich Sites in the ...
    After Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, the Obersalzberg area was transformed into the southern seat of power for the Nazi Party. Eventually, the locale became a complex of houses, barracks and command posts for the Nazi hierarchy, including the famous Eagle's Nest, and the mountain was honeycombed with tunnels and air raid shelters.

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