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Home - Smartes
    EN. Home. SMARTES - Your partner for sustainable and profitable buildings and facilities. We help private companies and public organizations to reduce their energy consumption, minimize their carbon footprint, increase reliability of their equipment and generate cost energy-related savings. We are specialists in energy-related investment projects.

Úvod - Smartes
    SMARTES- Váš partner pre udržateľnejšie a ziskovejšie budovy a prevádzky Pomáhame firmám a verejným organizáciám znižovať spotrebu energií, minimalizovať ich uhlíkovú stopu, zvýšiť spoľahlivosť zariadení a šetriť náklady budov a prevádzok. Sme špecialisti na energetické investičné projekty

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What are the 50 Smartest Companies? | MIT Technology …
    50 Smartest Companies. 1. Why. Continues to tweak its chips, originally developed for gaming, to help develop breakthrough technologies like deep learning and autonomous driving. $3 billion ...

50 Smartest Companies | MIT Technology Review
    50 Smartest Companies 2016. Each year we identify 50 companies that are “smart” in the way they create new opportunities. Some of this year’s stars are large companies, like Amazon and ...

Welcome to SMARTments business | SMARTments business
    At SMARTments, you will quickly find the right apartment for your temporary living requirements. The earlier you book, the more favourable the rental will be for you. Weekly and monthly and rates are clearly itemised. You can use the calendar to see whether the accommodation you want is available for the required period.

IPTV Smarters App is a fabulous video streaming player
    IPTV Smarters is an incredible video streaming player which is developed especially for end-users that want to be provided with the facility to watch live TV, VOD, Series and TV Catchup on their Smart TV. This video player app is easy to use and yet highly efficient with a powerful player, attractive and very impressive layout and most importantly user-friendly.

Smarters Player Lite - Apps on Google Play
    The Smarters Player App is a fabulous media player that allows end-users to play their content like Live TV, VOD, Series, and Local audio/Video files supplied by them; on their Android Phones, Android TVs, FireSticks, and other android devices. Smarters Player is the lite version of "IPTV Smarters Pro" with all the basic features unlocked.

Prima Agenție de Growth Hacking & Inbound Marketing din România
    Fondată în 2018, prin SMARTERS Academy au trecut deja peste 14.000 de marketeri, antreprenori și freelanceri care au vrut să învețe strategii noi sau mai eficiente de marketing. Vezi cursurile și programele disponibile.

10 of the World's Smartest Animals - WorldAtlas
    The sperm whale has the largest brain of all animals. Moreover, humpback whales, fin whales, killer whales and sperm whales have spindle cells in their brains, which suggest possibility of high intelligence. 7. Pigs. There are many reasons for pigs to be classified among the world's smartest of animals.

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